Creating an API User in Autotask

In order to use the API, you now need an API user. Follow the next steps to create one:

  1. From the Autotask dashboard, go to the admin menu
  2. Select Resources (Users)
  3. From the list of existing users, select New API User from the drop-down menu next to the New button
  4. Enter information for the new API User.  Make sure the Security Level is set to API User
  5. Click the buttons to Generate Key and Generate Secret.  Make sure you copy down the key and secret.  This is what will be used to integrate your PSA with RocketCyber.
  6. Under API Tracking ID, use Integration Vendor and find RocketCyber in the dropdown list (horizontal arrow in the above picture)
  7. Grant access for our integration to pull data associated with your Lines of Business
  8. Click Save & Close