Reporting Overview

Navigating to Reporting

To get started with RocketCyber reporting navigate to the Reporting tab in the left nav bar.

Creating a Reporting Job

Create a new reporting Job by clicking the Create Report button in the top right.

NOTE  A user must have the Owner role within RocketCyber to create reports.

NOTE  Reporting Jobs can be created in the context of a provider or an organization.

Reporting Job Fields

  • Report Job Name
    • A unique name to identify your reporting job
  • Report Type
    • Report type - Executive Summary or Inventory Report

Scheduled Reports:

  • Report Frequency
    • How often the report will generate and deliver (weekly, monthly, quarterly)
  • Delivery Day
    • The day of the week, or calendar date it will generate on.

On Demand Reports:

  • Report Range
    • Event data for the specified range will display in the report
    • Max range is 90 days

A reporting job can generate a roll up report for the provider, or it can generate individual reports for your organization-level data.

Provider Reports

To create a Provider report, leave the "Children" checkbox unchecked and enter your email in the Recipient Email text box.

Click Create to create your scheduled provider reporting job.

Note: You can only enter one email address in the Recipient Email text box

Organization Reports

To create an Organization report, check the "Children" checkbox. You will see a list of organizations populate.

  1. Select the organizations you'd like to generate the reports for, and enter the email address in the corresponding text box.
  2. Click Create to create your scheduled provider reporting job.

NOTE  You can only enter one email address in the Recipient Email text box.

Reporting Job Options

There are 3 options available to manage scheduled reports:

  • View - View the report job details
  • Edit - Change the job name, recipient email, report frequency, and delivery date
  • Expire - Expire the reporting job, deactivating it
    • Note: Currently reporting jobs cannot be fully deleted, only expired. Expired jobs are kept for auditing purposes.

It is important to note that scheduled jobs will automatically expire after 6 months. Expiration dates can be found by clicking 'View'.

Report Branding

You can white label your RocketCyber reports by uploading your logo in the Provider Settings > Branding tab.