Getting started with Kaseya 365

Accessing RocketCyber

If you have yet to subscribe to Kaseya 365 and are a standalone customer for RocketCyber, you will access RocketCyber by clicking Complete your Trial Activation in your Welcome to RocketCyber email and continuing with this step. As a standalone customer, this is where your RocketCyber journey begins.

If you are using RocketCyber as part of a Kaseya 365 subscription, your Kaseya 365 experience starts in KaseyaOne, the central hub for managing your subscriptions and accessing all your IT Complete modules. Upon initial access to KaseyaOne via the welcome email, you will be directed to the Kaseya 365 Setup Guide page. This guide provides comprehensive instructions for securing your environment using your newly acquired Kaseya 365 subscriptions.

Understanding welcome emails

Your Kaseya 365 subscription includes multiple welcome email sent to the implementation contact of the subscription. The specific welcome emails received by the implementation contact depend on the type of subscription purchased and whether the organization was already using any Kaseya 365 modules before the subscription was purchased.

The following list details information about each welcome email:

  • Welcome to Kaseya: This email is sent to the designated implementation contact within 24 hours following the subscription purchase. It contains the contact details for the Project Manager assigned to your subscription from Kaseya's Professional Services team, along with links to documentation and your pre-implementation checklist.

  • Welcome to KaseyaOne: This email is sent to the designated implementation contact within 24 hours following the subscription purchase. It is only sent for new KaseyaOne instances (not for organizations already using KaseyaOne.) Click Activate your account to enable your KaseyaOne account.

  • Welcome to Kaseya 365: This email is sent to the designated implementation contact 48 hours before the subscription start date. There are two email variants with the Welcome to Kaseya 365 subject:

    1. One version is sent when a KaseyaOne account has not been set up. Click Activate your account to enable your KaseyaOne account and access your Kaseya 365 setup.

    2. Another version is sent when a KaseyaOne account has already been activated. Click Log in to KaseyaOne to log in to your existing KaseyaOne account and access your Kaseya 365 setup.


Understanding the Kaseya 365 Setup Guide

Upon logging in to KaseyaOne, you will be greeted by the Congratulations on your new Kaseya 365 subscriptions! page. Proceed by clicking View Kaseya 365 Setup Guide.

The Kaseya 365 Setup Guide page will open, serving as the platform for activating and logging in to your modules, including RocketCyber. Furthermore, this page facilitates the connection of these modules to KaseyaOne through the enabling of Unified Login, along with the completion of onboarding tours. To accomplish these tasks, follow these steps:

Other initial configurations

After completing the steps in the KaseyaOne portal, it is recommended to set up the following settings in your RocketCyber instance:

Optimizing your workflow

Kaseya 365 includes 20 essential automations powered by your Kaseya 365 component integrations.

You can integrate RocketCyber with Datto EDR and Datto AV to monitor endpoint security. Integration provides better insights into suspicious activities that affect an endpoint and greater endpoint telemetry data for managed SOC analysis.

Refer to the following articles for more information:

For a full list of the automations available through Kaseya 365, refer to the Automations section in the Kaseya 365 overview.

Enabling apps

RocketCyber provides numerous apps you can enable to monitor your environment for cybersecurity threats. It is recommended you enable the following apps:

  • VSA Threat Hunt
  • Defender for Business
  • Malicious File Detection
  • Print Nightmare